University of Nairobi

Nairobi, Kenya

Who We Are

University of Nairobi, Faculty of Law, is a public law school located in Nairobi, Kenya which was founded in the 1960s.

The University of Nairobi made its maiden appearance at the Vis Moot in 2021. In every edition since, the team has been a fixture in the competition. In 2022, the team held the honour of having a student awarded a Martin Domke Honorable Mention Award for Best Individual Oralist. This year, the team comprises a formidable line-up of motivated law students, eager to make an indelible mark in the competition.

Team UoN is in the able hands of skilled arbitration moot veterans including: Victor Kihika (Martin Domke Award Honorable Mention for Best Individual Oralist in the 29th Vis Moot 2022), Sanjana Ragu (alumnus of both the 29th and 30th Vis Moot), and Sharon Nyaga (alumnus of the Alfred Deakin ICA Moot 2022).

The team is excited to engage with fellow teams and arbitrators alike, in what promises to be an intellectually stimulating affair in Vienna!

Alumni Teams

2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025

Meet the Team

Anne Apiyo Abala

Anne Abala is a third year Law student at the University of Nairobi.

She is enthusiastic about mooting and research, and has participated in various moots within the school and at national level.

She developed interest for ADR and the Vis moot presented a great opportunity to learn more about Arbitration in particular.

Daniel Ongwara

Daniel is a third year student at the University of Nairobi, Faculty of Law.

He expresses a keen level of interest in corporate law, commercial law, human rights law as well as humanitarian law. Daniel is an alumni of Research Clubs of Africa.

He also is an ADR enthusiast. As a result of this, he is an active member of the Young Arbiters Society (UoN Chapter).

Having taken part in the Alfred Deakin ICA Moot, he got interested in taking part in the Willem C. Vis moot as well. He believes taking part in this moot will advance his oral and research skills in the ADR field. He looks forward to engaging and learning from the coaches and professionals in the ADR field.

Mercy Chebet

Mercy Chebet Bartay is a fourth year student at the University of Nairobi, School of Law.

She is passionate about the study of law. She expresses keen interest in International law, Corporate law, Commercial law, Human rights, particularly children's rights advocacy, as well as Arbitration and ADR.

Due to her enthusiasm for ADR, she serves as an Associate Editor in The Young Arbiters Society. She is also a student member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and a student member of Women In ADR.

She is also passionate about International law and thus serves as the Deputy President of the International Court of Justice under the UoN Parklands Chapter of The Kenya Model United Nations. She is an active member of the University of Nairobi Moot Court Society, Kenya Model United Nations and Students of Law and Diplomacy (SOLAD).

She believes that the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, being the largest International arbitration moot, is a prestigious moot that not everyone gets to experience. She looks forward to networking with other mooties from various jurisdictions and learning from great practitioners in the field of law and ADR. She looks forward to representing the University of Nairobi, School of Law in the Moot.

Ian Irungu

Ian Irungu is a Second Year Law Student at the University of Nairobi. He has previously studied political science and international relations at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques Paris (SciencesPo Paris).

Ian participated in the 2023 Alfred Deakin International Commercial Arbitration Moot, organized by Deakin University. His team’s efforts garnered an Honorable Mention for Best Claimant Memorial. Ian believes that the competition was a valuable stepping stone for greater achievements in the 2023-24 Willem C. Vis Moot.

He has developed a profound interest in arbitration generally, and international commercial arbitration in particular. For him, the Vis Moot is an opportunity. An opportunity to develop knowledge and expertise in the subject through rigorous research, and through interactions with experts in arbitration and international sales law. It is indisputable that the Moot is the arena in which aspiring arbitration practitioners get their baptism of fire.

Ian hopes to leverage his experience from previous moots, including the Leiden University’s Children’s Rights Moot, as well as national ICJ moots at the Kenya Model United Nations. 

Part-time, Ian works as a writer for several online publications, as well as a video essay script-writer for creators on digital media. He dabbles in a variety of niches from military history to film and television, and constantly looks to expand his interests and hobbies.