The Vis Experience

I came into the Vis Moot knowing that it would be difficult, but I never really anticipated the level of commitment that it took. So far, it has probably one of the most challenging things I have ever had to endure, at least from an “academic” perspective. I remember the first few weeks being particularly hard, sitting up for almost 20 hours a day combing through research. That was probably the hardest part in terms of losing sleep.


When memo writing started it was a different kind of struggle. As someone that had never written a memo it was quite fun having to learn on my feet whilst still maintaining the level of excellence that I desired. It was quite mentally challenging having to constantly restructure arguments and cut ones that I liked but that weren’t as strong as other ones that we had come up with as a team.


Overall, I’d say that Vis Moot is not for the feint of heart. There are bound to be fights with teammates about which argument is better, late nights with little sleep and a lot of hard work. What I will say though is that it is definitely worth the ride no matter what because of the amount of things you learn and the people you meet.


My Vis Experience


Making mooting more international: DLS builds ties with ‘Africa in the Moot’